Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Get motivated!!

I decided I need to be more goal orriented, and have to do lists! I made one the other day for things to do at work, and it was such a good idea! Just the privelege of being able to draw a line through a couple of words was motivation enough to do things that I had been putting off for.. well a while, to say the least ;) So I made a "chore list" for our new apartment so I can remind myself of the things I need to do daily, (that might seem like second nature to most.. but I just forget!! or ignore..) weekly, and monthly! I'm hoping it works out!!

I do plan on making an actual chart though, so I can put a gold star there when I complete a task, or write my name or whatever it may be!

Anyways, I'm off to go check out Verizon (and possibly buy a new phone today) and then to the apartment to unpack and make the apartment cute and meet the new roomies!!!!!

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